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33rd Koblenz Guitar Festival & Academy | Sunday 1st - Monday 9th June 2025

Masterclasses, Workshops, Lectures ...

Masterclasses Guitar:

1 Aniello Desiderio
2 Duo Melis
3 Zoran Dukic
4 Judicaël Perroy
5 Marko Topchii
6 Raphaël Feuillâtre
7 Lovro Peretić
8 Goran Krivokapic
9 Manuel Barrueco
10 Marcin Dylla
11 Marco Tamayo
12 Glauber Rocha
13 Alvaro Pierri
14 Fabio Zanon
15 Lukasz Kuropaczewski
16 Evangelina Mascardi
17 Thorsten Drücker
18 David Russell
19 Meng Su
20 Tilman Hoppstock
21 Gabriel Bianco
22 Kristina Varlid
23 Alexander S. Ramirez
24 Hubert Käppel
25 Russell Poyner
26 Liying Zhu
27 Dale Kavanagh
28 Günter Schillings
29 Igor Klokov
30 Rafael Padron
31 Stephen Goss
32 Masterclass for Guitar & Orchestra with Lukasz Kuropaczewski. Set piece: Fantasía para un gentilhombre by Joaquín Rodrigo.

3 masterclasses per participant. Please give your desired masterclasses on the registration form. For the masterclasses 9 ( Manuel Barrueco) and 18 (David Russell) participants must qualify for these either through the first round of the competition or separate audition. This will be an extra masterclass free of charge. For the masterclass 32 (guitar & orchestra with Lukasz Kuropaczewski) participants must qualify through an audition. This will be an extra masterclass free of charge

33 Workshop for voice & guitar

With Marina Viotti (Mezzo soprano). Those interested should contact the festival management at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

34 Junior Guitar Academy

Leitung: Jörg Gauchel

Bereits Kinder und Jugendliche können aktiv am Koblenz International Guitar Festival & Academy teilnehmen, mit Gleichgesinnten ihre musikalischen Fähigkeiten entwickeln und die wohl weltweit einzigartige Atmosphäre des Festivals erleben. 

Im Zentrum der Junior Guitar Academy steht das gemeinsame Proben und Musizieren im Ensemble. Die jungen Musiker erarbeiten unter der Anleitung von erfahrenen Gitarrenlehrern gemeinsam Ensemble-Werke, die sie dann zu Beginn des Preisträgerkonzertes am Pfingstmontag einem internationalen Publikum präsentieren werden.

Darüber hinaus besuchen die Mädchen und Jungen der Junior Guitar Academy Konzerte der berühmten Gitarristen und können auf Wunsch und bei Eignung auch wie die „großen“ Teilnehmer bis zu drei Masterclasses bei den Künstlern des Festivals besuchen.

Das Einstiegsalter für die Junior Academy liegt bei etwa 8 Jahren. Bei Bedarf erhalten die jüngsten Gitarristen ihrem Spielstand entsprechend bearbeitete Fassungen der Werke. Die Noten werden nach Rücksprache mit den Teilnehmern (und gerne auch ihren Instrumentallehrern) frühzeitig versendet. Am Ende des Festivals erhalten die Juniors eine Teilnahme-Urkunde.

Die Junior Guitar Academy findet von Freitag, den 17. Mai (ab Mittag) bis Pfingstmontag, den 20. Mai 2024 (Auftritt beim Festakt für Manuel Barrueco um 11.00 Uhr und beim Preisträgerkonzert um 19.30 Uhr) statt. Masterclasses für die Juniors werden auch schon an früheren Tagen des Festivals angeboten. Juniors, die an Masterclasses interessiert sind, teilen uns bitte mit, an welchen Tagen ihnen die Teilnahme möglich ist.

Die Kursgebühr für die Junior Academy beträgt 120  EURO. Die Teilnehmer sowie eine Begleitperson erhalten beim Check-in einen Konzertpass und haben damit freien Eintritt zu allen Konzerten und Veranstaltungen des gesamten Festivals. Am Ende des Festivals erhalten die Juniors eine Teilnahme-Urkunde.

Die Junior Academy wird seit ihrer Gründung vor 21 Jahren auch gerne von Gitarrenlehrern als Fortbildungsveranstaltung genutzt. Lehrer zahlen für die passive Teilnahme 180  EURO, können damit alle Konzerte und Veranstaltungen des Festivals besuchen und erhalten ein Zertifikat.

Jörg Gauchel

Mobil: +491709341099

E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



10.00 am
Prof. Dr. Stephen Goss: The Delusion of Urtext
I will attempt to illuminate the murky process of collaboration between a composer and a guitarist. What contribution comes from the collaborating performer? How is that contribution measured and recognised? Were guitarists like Miguel Llobet, Andrés Segovia, Julian Bream, and John Williams more involved in the compositional process than is generally known?
I will briefly examine two approaches to collaboration:
Reactive collaboration – the performer reacts to a complete first draft of a composition.
Proactive collaboration – the performer is involved in every stage of the compositional process.
Is it possible, or even desirable, to untangle the interpretation and artistry of the collaborating guitarist from the style and aesthetic of the composer? How can we gauge the authority or flexibility of any published score?

11.00 am
Jörg Falk: Teaching demonstration as the key to success
Lecture on current developments in selection procedures at music schools, followed by a practical workshop.
In selection procedures at municipal music schools, artistic performance on the instrument is no longer enough. In recent years, pedagogical aptitude has increasingly come to the fore and the teaching demonstration now makes up 60 per cent of the selection process.
In this workshop, practical teaching situations will be trained using the example of individual and group lessons and participants are instructed on how to create their own musical learning moment that characterises a successful teaching demonstration.
Jörg Falk is head of department and deputy school director at the Musik- und Kunstschule der Stadt Duisburg. He also leads a guitar class at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln.

4.00 pm
Dr. Ingmar Brilmayer: Predict, predict, predict: How the brain learns the sensory consequences of its own motor actions
For a long period of time, researchers assumed that the brain passively processes sensory input, similar to a computer. However, in the last two decades of research in cognitive and computational neuroscience, researchers have reached a broad consensus that the brain actively creates its own sensations by predicting upcoming sensory input (predictive coding). For this reason, it constantly samples the environment on multiple, hierarchically ordered timescales from milliseconds to several seconds, thereby actively creating a consistent model of its ever-changing environment. Importantly, higher cognitive processing levels (e.g., what is colloquially referred to as 'conscious' levels) located in frontal parts of the brain can exert a strong (top-down) influence on the sensations we experience and the way and efficiency with which we learn. In this talk, I will elaborate on the consequences of the predictive coding framework for learning, producing and perceiving music.



09.30 am
Benjamin Janisch: Models and Sequences – building blocks of western music
In this presentation we will take a closer look at a selection of musical sequences and models: In which eras did they originate, how were they implemented and for what musical effect, and to what extent did they influence musical composition for hundreds of years to follow?

10.15 am
Hye-Min Lee: Das barocke Konzert
More information coming soon.

11.00 am
Henrik Schuld: Polyphonic textures and imitation
In this course, various forms of polyphony are examined and analyzed. The focus will be on the concept of imitation and how it can be realized and especially improvised in solo or ensemble playing on the guitar.

11.45 am
Prof. Dr. Immanuel Ott: Die »Fantaisies« von Fernando Sor
More information coming soon.



09.30 am
Cecilia Rodrigo: Joaquín Rodrigo: His first two compositions for guitar solo, premiered in the 21st century. The composer‘s extraordinary skill to transform a solo guitar piece in an orchestral work
More information coming soon.

10.15 am
Prof. Evangelina Mascardi: The influence of early music on the compositional style of Joaquín Rodrigo
More information coming soon.

10.45 am
Cecilia Rodrigo: Fantasía para un gentilhombre: The friendship between Joaquín Rodrigo and Andrés Segovia
More information coming soon.

36 Fingernails Workshop with Günter Schillings

By appointment, please contact the festival office.

Sound production on the guitar is largely a matter of the shape and structure of the fingernails.

This workshop will help provide answers for the optimal shaping and maintenance of both natural and artificial fingernails. It will also offer assistance with problem nails and fingernail repairs.

37 Teaching demonstration as the key to success

Lecture on current developments in selection procedures at music schools, followed by a practical workshop.

In selection procedures at municipal music schools, artistic performance on the instrument is no longer enough. In recent years, pedagogical aptitude has increasingly come to the fore and the teaching demonstration now makes up 60 per cent of the selection process.

In this workshop, practical teaching situations will be trained using the example of individual and group lessons and participants are instructed on how to create their own musical learning moment that characterises a successful teaching demonstration.

Jörg Falk is head of department and deputy school director at the Musik- und Kunstschule der Stadt Duisburg. He also leads a guitar class at the Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln.

Wednesday 15 May 2024
11 am – 4 pm