Masterclasses, Workshops, Lectures 2021
Masterclasses Guitar:
01 Aniello Desiderio
02 Zoran Dukic
03 Liying Zhu
04 Lukasz Kuropaczewski
05 Fabio Zanon
06 Marcin Dylla
07 Alvaro Pierri
08 Otto Tolonen
09 David Russell
10 Duo Melis
11 Tristan Angenendt
12 Russell Poyner
13 Goran Krivokapic
14 Pavel Steidl
15 Tomasz Zawierucha
16 Igor Klokov
17 Gabriel Bianco
18 Judicaël Perroy
19 Petrit Çeku
20 Hubert Käppel
21 Dale Kavanagh
22 Alfred Eickholt
23 Hans-Werner Huppertz
24 Alexander Ramirez
25 Johannes Monno

3 masterclasses per participant. Please give your desired masterclasses on the registration form. Masterclasses will take place at the Musikschule der Stadt Koblenz (Hoevelstr. 6, 56073 Koblenz) observing the current hygiene regulations.
Workshops, Lectures: More information coming soon.